Obtaining Your LTC

Here are a few things you need need to know when you are ready to get your LTC:

You will need to submit your application (along with an application fee) to the State of Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS). You will also be responsible for taking care of getting your fingerprints and passport size photo taken and sent to the state to complete your application. These are things that are not included in the LTC class but we will help direct you on where to get these done and how to submit them to the state.

The LTC class consists of 4-6 hours of class room instruction, written test, and a 50-round shooting proficiency test. On class day everyone will drive to our shooting range to perform the shooting proficiency test. This is a 50-round shooting test that you must pass in order to obtain your LTC.

This class is not recommended for first time shooters. You absolutely need to at least know how to load a gun and be able to shoot somewhat accurately in order to pass!

We offer a great “Beginner Handgun” training class if you need to prepare for the shooting test and/or would like to be more proficient with handling and shooting your gun.

Adobe-PDFAnd to make getting your LTC even easier, you can click the Adobe PDF icon here (or right-click it and choose “Save File As” or “Save Target As” if you wish to download it) to access an excellent and extremely helpful document we created to make getting your LTC step-by-step simple. Throughout the document you will even have links to every resource we thought could be of help to you. PLEASE VIEW or DOWNLOAD THIS DOCUMENT and take some time to go through it.


Details of the shooting test along with all aspects of obtaining a LTC are covered on the TXDPS FAQ page, it is very helpful:

 Click here to learn everything you could possibly ever want to know about obtaining your LTC (concealed handgun license) in Texas . . .

      Or to jump back over to our main LTC page, you can click here . . .

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